MSP430 SPI weirdness
So, I’ve been fiddling around with my MSP430 Launchpad for a while, with the goal to build myself an ePaper doorsign. As ePaper I used the Waveshare ones which are controlled via SPI.
It took a lot of fiddling around, head scratching, shouting and swearing, and probing with a logic analyzer (Logic Shrimp, which has its own issues with Sigrok / PulseView, or v.v., since the dump was reversed) to find out how to configure clock phase and polarity.
Since I also want to use an MFRC522 reader to “select” the content to display, I took another dive into the datasheet to figure out which SPI mode I had to select.
Then it hit me: Texas Instruments’ definition of CPHA=0
and CPHA=1
“backwards” from what I’m used to from STmicroelectronics’ STM32F1. It’s
also backwards from what Wikipedia says.
For TI, CPHA=0
means “Change on leading clock egde, capture on trailing”,
while CPHA=1
means “Capture on trailing clock edge, change on trailing”.
This is pretty annoying!
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