New Device acquired: Chromebook
After a long time of resisting, I actually got myself a notebook of some sort. To be more precise, a “Chromebook”.
I dug around Ebay for some time, looking what’s on offer. The most important property was “lightweight”, I want to take in on travels. I didn’t particularly care for CPU or RAM. I mostly intend to use it for browsing anyway. (And updating my mothers smartphone to the latest LineageOS version).
I only decided after making sure I could install Linux on it, thanks to the MrChromebox project.
As for the distribution, I went with PuppyLinux, more specifically, the BookwormPup distribution. Took some getting used to, but I wanted something familiar (Debian) without learning all too much new stuff. I’m not yet totally convinced of it. I mean, running everything as root seems… counterintuitive. At least I configured the browser to run as a regular user (“spot”). And it runs relatively smoothly.
Also, I was surprised it actually offers to LUKS-encrypt the save file. Probably a good idea for portable devices anyway :).
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